We Simplify
Estate Planning

“Protect your Family and your Legacy”

Dedicated to Giving you the Best Estate Planning Services Available

Personalized Service

We offer mobility and ease of travel in times of need. We can come to your home for meetings regarding your estate planning.

Upfront Prices

All of our services are agreed on upfront. Taking away the worry of hodden charges. All notary charges are included in the price.Β 

Direct Contact

We make sure to be in direct contact throughout the entire process, direct contact with our lawyers means no paralegals. Making your estate plans responsive and intimate.

Best Options Available

We understand the hardships of estate planning, we make sure the packages you purchase are best strategies for your needs, not the most expensive ones.

Educate Yourself On
Everything Estate Planning

Visit our blog for educational videos and articles about Estate Planning. Here you will find the answers to your questions as we break down everything you need to know about the Estate Planning processes.

Why is Estate Planning Important?

Avoid Court Determinations

Without an estate laywer, a probate court will determine where your assets go. Lawyers and courts can also take up to 15% of your assets.Β 

Save Time

Your family could spend 9 months to 1.5 years arguing over your assets in court. Avoid the stress and save the time when you plan with an estate lawyer.Β 

The Power is in Your Hands

In some cases of guardianship, the court will determine the guardian of your child. This can be avoided with proper planning.Β 

Take Charge of Your Legacy

Estate planning puts the power in your hands to take care of your family, while avoiding disputes and probate courts. We setup guardianship, financial and medical power of attorney, and trusts. We determine the best strategy to fit your needs.

There is no better time than today to get your estate plan, trust or will done!

Client Testimonials